Vision ✨
At GLOBAÏA, we are committed to nurturing a heightened global awareness, recognizing its essential role in addressing the critical challenges faced by humanity today. As the Earth System experiences significant impacts due to our ever-increasing activities, we must undergo a fundamental shift in our worldviews, institutions, and technologies. We concentrate our efforts on the often unspoken and intricate domain of worldviews, aiming to inspire change by fostering an understanding and appreciation for our planet's finite, rare, and fragile life support system.
Our mission is to help create an inclusive, resilient civilization that coexists and coevolves with a thriving biosphere. We advocate for planetary stewardship, emphasising the significance of global citizenship and collective action in an era of unparalleled global change. By harnessing the power of imagery, we aspire to overcome language and cultural barriers, invoking a deep sense of shared responsibility and motivating transformational action for the betterment of our world and future generations.
As kosmographers*, we visualize representations of the known world, the unseen, the global, and the intricate beauty and chaos of our constantly evolving universe. Our primary goal is to make data, information, and knowledge accessible, socially relevant, and easily digestible for diverse cultures and individuals. Through this, we strive to transform how the world is perceived, imagined, and comprehended. By focusing on worldviews or cosmovisions, we encourage a unified, meaningful planetary perspective that fosters increased planetary consciousness, ultimately inspiring empathy, compassion, and spherical thinking on a global scale.
*A kosmographer, inspired by the Greek roots "kosmos" and "graphia," transcends traditional cosmography by focusing on visualizing and representing the world as an ordered and aesthetically pleasing system. This interdisciplinary field merges science, philosophy, and the arts to create a holistic portrayal of the known world that emphasises interconnectedness, complexity, and evolution.
COSMOPHANY · Cultivating Consciousness in the Mesocosm
’Cosmophany’ is a philosophical concept in which the formation and evolution of societal structures and civilizational development are grounded in the recognition and understanding of known structures, patterns, processes, cycles and phenomena within the framework of observable and knowable reality. This approach emphasizes the importance of evidence-based knowledge and scientific exploration in its most comprehensive sense as the foundation for shaping human civilisations and their progress.
Mission 🌱
GLOBAÏA was established in 2009 with the mission to cultivate planetary awareness and inspire stewardship for the Earth.
We are dedicated to fostering a collective understanding of pressing socio-ecological issues through scientific, transdisciplinary, and emotion-driven approaches.
By merging art and science, we strive to develop innovative ways of perceiving and envisioning our interconnected world, emphasising the evolving relationships between human societies, living environments, and the cosmos.
Our aim is to stimulate a global shift in consciousness through impactful visual representations and thought-provoking narratives, motivating individuals and communities to adopt sustainable practices, engage in environmental conservation, and embrace a planetary perspective in their daily lives.
To achieve our mission, we explore four core themes:
The Big History, aka the Evolution of the Cosmos, Earth, Life and People;
The Ecosphere, aka the Earth System Habitability;
The Anthropocene, aka Contemporary Global Change;
And Planetary Stewardship, aka the Pathways to a Regenerative Future.
As a part of the 'Third UN, we aim to shape public comprehension, influence policy development, and guide decision-making at a global level. Our advocacy centres on promoting sustainable practices and a vision that emphasises a safe and just world, for both people and the planet.